Linley 18th August 2020

Kenny, larger than life! A true friend, tenacious, caring, creative and very very funny. We met Kenny in Jerusalem after the 6-day war through our mutual friend David. Ken arrived as a volunteer but as it turned out not too much volunteering was done; instead he used his time to get to know the country and travel around. He rented a car but soon ran out of money, and so started our first escapade – jacking up Ken’s car and running it in reverse to unwind the odometer (extra kms were expensive). There and then our relationship was formed. Days later Kenny was invited to our wedding party and we took advantage of his volunteer status to carry chairs and party supplies up 5 flights of stairs to the venue. A year later we were living in the UK but would stay in London in his flat while he was in Sweden wooing Barb. Other times we’d visit with him for a few days and he would show us the sights and the markets, entertaining us as he worked. We well remember sitting with him in his Triumph Herald stopped at the lights, Ken ostentatiously pretending to pick his nose to gross-out people in the car alongside. He didn’t do embarrassment, he left that for others; clearly for Ken it was a wasted emotion. Later, one would have clearly heard Barb’s admonishment – “Ken-neth”! Or being taken to his drama school to watch him perform in Waiting for Godot, then being introduced to all and sundry as a famous Producer from Australia. Another standout is the time Barbro, ourselves and mutual friends met Ken the sportsman in Eilat, joining him to celebrate when he completed a charity bike ride from Gaza using his one useful leg. He’d torn a major muscle in his left leg the day before flying to Egypt but refused to pull out of the ride or to cut short any celebrations; such was his determination displayed. This impressed all except his London doctor who had to deal with the damaged leg when Ken & Barbro returned home. Though based in other parts of the world we’ve always managed to share our lives, watched and shared the growth of family and business, and joined in travels to many places. Our many treasured memories filled with joy, care, laughter and the closeness that never dims. There are so many stories, both shared and heard. We’ll miss you dear friend, go well. Maybe in another place we’ll continue the journey. Love you always. Gina & Linley